Monday, November 30, 2009

Which Are You?

Call me a prude or old-fashioned, but I think everyone should Always be on time. If you say you're going to arrive at a certain time, please show up a few minutes early or be exactly on time, but this arriving almost an hour past the witching hour drives me absolutely crazy!
So which are you? Are you like me and arrive a few minutes early, or are you one of them that is always late?


The Scrappy Tree said...

Hanging my head in shame - I am always late!!

KarenS said...

I agree with you--if I'm late, there is a very good reason. :-)

Kim Winter said...

I am always early. I think I am late if I am not 15 min early.

Rosemary said...

How I agree with you, I find it really bad manners to be late, unless there is a really good reason of course.

Maria Ontiveros said...

I used to be like you (and still am for the most part), but I now sometimes tell myself, "I'm too old to rush." I do find myself showing up late sometimes now, but I try to call . . . and not worry about it.